First Transparent Phone from LG

This is the first transparent phone. It has two different touch pad/ screen. Whatever you can do  with the touchscreen you can do with the keypad. Watching the video you can notice the touchscreen is not that sharp. The idea of having a transparent keypad was great and I liked it.

Power Option in Lenovo ThinkPad Problem in Vista

Don’t know why but after a long time of using Vista I got to the problem that my power options were not working and gave me the error of “Your power plan information isn't available."  along with a link that says "Why can't Windows retrieve this information?"

Searched all the internet and I’ve found a simple solution from Microsoft. Just use the PowerCfg ‑RestoreDefaultSchemes under cmd.exe and you are back to safety.

Michael Ignatieff and Conservatives

Couldn't liberal find someone better than Michael ? In the video below he is calling himself American. Yes, it is OK to go and work in US as an engineer, worker etc but not as an American, I believe whoever from Canada go and work there, have the pride in himself/herself as a Canadian working in US. He clearly called himself an American, not even talked about his background in Canada.

Do you think Canadians will trust him as a leader ? After Stephan Dion this is a complete turn down for Liberals.

First long weekend

The first long weekend of the year is over, three days of fun, going out, clubbing and having met friends is over. From tomorrow I need to get back to work, what I am worst at. to write. this four days would be like hell as I am trying to write and write. I would post some updates here later on.

No Crashes for Mac

Probably you have seen many many mac ads that ridiculing PC for its crashes. I am not saying that mac is bad, but teaching a group of people with most of them was using mac, I can assure you that mac freezes. yes, if you want to simply check your email, send pics, go to facebook, mac is not freezing, but once you get to the point you want to do something more with mac, installing PHP, changing the version of Java (which ridiculously called SoyLatte) then you easily can see that mac is freezing too.

The Bigfoot Hoax?

Is it really a hoax ? they are saying that they filmed this as a part of advertisement filming strategy.

Is Bigfoot real or just a big hoax? Roger Patterson's film shot by him of a supposed bigfoot fooled many for decades.